
Mary the great


Today would have been my nanny Mary’s 98th birthday, and I have found myself thinking about her a lot lately, I’m sad because although I have so many amazing memory’s of my nanny, as do my older two daughters, Mimi never got to meet this amazing lady.

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When all you want to do is sleep

Quiet often when I go to bed my brain seems to go into overdrive. I start writing draft blog posts in my head or just thinking/worrying about really random stuff.

The other night I found my self worrying about Tom – do you remember him ? He was your first friend on MySpace, was he sitting over on MySpace all alone wondering where we all went? Waiting for us to come back, should I start a movement to get everyone using MySpace again? I felt genuinely bad for abandoning my MySpace page for Facebook – see I told you they was random!
Then there was the night I lay awake for almost an hour wondering why ants collect up their dead, by the time I had fallen asleep, I had imagined a very elaborate funeral ceremony with weeping widow ants, lots of flowers, a tiny ant grave yard, little ant funeral cars and obituaries read by loved ones around the open grave – I have always had a very vivid imagination!
FYI I googled the reason that ants collect their dead and it is no where near as exciting as I had imagined. They collect up the bodies because of a kind of ant OCD they don’t want dead ants in the nest so as soon as they smell a dead ant they automatically collect it and take it to the dead ant pile, but because ants are like little robots and this is action is triggered by smell they do it whether they are inside the ant colony or not. The dead ant pile is normally a separate chamber within the nest and so this is why they carry their dead back to the nest – I still prefer my version!

Please tell me I’m not alone and that you have strange thoughts when you are trying to get to sleep!

*whistle* oi oi !!!

It’s a summers day, your walking down the road in a dress or maybe a pair of short shorts. A gentleman in a van gives you a beep beep, a whistle or maybe an oi oi !!! How do you feel? Does it give you a bit of a boost? Put a spring in your step? Or do you feel humiliated? Degraded? Harassed? This is something I have been thinking about since watching a feature on this morning the other day and also after digging my shorts out of habitation to make the most of the sun and heat.


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Parental growing pains !!!

At the end of last week, Grace had 3 high school induction days at the school she will be joining in September. We have had 2 nights of Lion King Jr. as the year 6 leavers production. On Monday she has sports day and on Wednesday she has her leavers assembley. She has just 4 days left at primary school. My baby is growing up into an amazing young lady and I am so proud but really not ready.

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About Me

Hi and welcome!

I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying creating this new blog, read more here.

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