Parental growing pains !!!

At the end of last week, Grace had 3 high school induction days at the school she will be joining in September. We have had 2 nights of Lion King Jr. as the year 6 leavers production. On Monday she has sports day and on Wednesday she has her leavers assembley. She has just 4 days left at primary school. My baby is growing up into an amazing young lady and I am so proud but really not ready.

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On returning from her first day, Grace was chatting about all the things she had done and she seemed genuinely excited about starting – and returning the next day. That night we attended a parents evening up at the high school where, while waiting for everyone to file into the hall, we watched a slide show of all of our children at different points during that first day. They all looked so young, far to young to be starting high school, but the staff all seem very warm and approachable. I met her form tutor who was very funny – a PE teacher trying to use a a laptop and projector – need I say more!

The next day she walked to and from her new school for the first time (on her first day dad had given her a lift there and back) when she came in she was telling me about the treasure hunt they had done to help them to learn their way around the school. She also tried the canteen food which seemed to be a winner. She then announced that ‘your allowed to wear makeup because this girls eyeliner flicks was like goals’ Goals? Makeup for school? But wait I’m not ready! In my head your still little, don’t you want to play with your ponies or watch Dora with me?


Now please don’t get me wrong I understand that they can’t stay babies forever and that at some point they all have to grow up, but I feel this time it has totally crept up on me. In my head she’s still my little nearly 5 year old starting at big school. Unlike me she is so ready for the challenge and I know she will do well so well. I’m just going to have to put on my big girl panties and do my best to hold it together – best make sure I’m stocked up on tissues!




Petite Pudding

8 Responses to Parental growing pains !!!

  • Aww bless you! Just don’t wear mascara (give it to her!), don’t want to have panda eyes. I like reading posts like this as I hope that it’ll prepare me for when my 0ne year old goes to school, then high school, then life! Panic panic panic! Nice to see you in #puddinglove 🙂

  • I can so relate to this post! I am a bit nostalgic about my son’s going a year higher too! He will be in Year 2 next September and its happening too fast! #puddinglove

  • It’s a great moment for you. Sad but joyous. Xx

  • I can totally relate to this! My daughter is starting Secondary School in September too. I am so not ready to accept this but my daughter is. We have to be strong and embrace this huge change in our lives! So thankful my daughter hasn’t mentioned makeup yet phew! Thanks for linking up to #puddinglove

  • It’s lovely to read about parents with older children. It helps me prepare for those coming years. They do grow so darn fast! #triballove

  • Such a big landmark moment – I bet she’s ready…just not you! The school I teach in doesn’t allow the students to wear make-up…I have remover in my desk drawer (old school!) #Puddinglove

  • Ahh so hard watching them grow into big-little people! They grow up far to fast. Sounds like she will have fantastic time at secondary school. (Maybe hide the eyeliner…) Thanks for linking with #PuddingLove xx

  • That has got to be hard! I know I’m getting sad just thinking about pre-school next year. It’s sounds like she is doing great though. Big hugs xx

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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

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