Try it Tuesday – chilli beanie chicken thing !


Ok so I’ve fired up the slow cooker again and I’m also doing chicken thighs again as we really enjoyed them last time.

As a family I think we eat to much chicken breast in fact that’s the only cut we normally have (my OH won’t eat meat on the bone!) but after the success of last weeks basil chicken which used thigh fillets, I thought I would have a bit of a play with them again this week.

This is a sparkly mummy original recipe ! And for this you will need

2 peppers ( I used a yellow and orange because that’s what I had in the fridge) – diced

1 onion – diced

1 clove of garlic – crushed

a tin of chopped tomatoes

a tin butter beans – drained

a tin of white kidney beans (cannellini beans) – drained

500g chicken thigh fillets

500ml of chicken stock

1 tsp mild chilli powder

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp cayenne chilli pepper

1/2 tsp hot chilli powder

500g chicken thighs


I first chopped the onion and the peppers an put them in to the slow cooker along with the crushed garlic, the beans, tinned tomatoes, chicken stock and all the spices. I then seared the chicken and threw them in too, switched the slow cooker on to medium, and left it to do its thing.


Around 5:30 it was smelling amazing so I removed the chicken and shredded it but I was worried there was a lot of water so in my wisdom I chucked the rice in. The rice cooked prefectly but it didn’t look great ! I think in future I might put a little less water in it or but a bit of cornflour and water in to thicken it but it was very yummy!

This dinner fed 5

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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

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