Foodie Friday week 7


Welcome back to a very exciting week 7 of #FoodieFriday !

So the GBBO drama is rumbling on with now only Paul Hollywood, the tent and the bunting making the move to channel 4, myself and Katie are still available for the roles of co-presenters if anyone from channel 4 is reading this! Anyway for now it’s on with the show!

#FoodieFriday is a linky that runs from 6am Friday to 6pm Monday. All bloggers are welcome to link up any food related posts they might have.

Join Katie (mummy in a tutu) and myself in a fun, friendly and supportive community of bloggers. You can tag us in your #FoodieFriday tweets (@mummyinatutu & @sparkly_mummy) for a retweet and we will try and add an individual message too.

Please remember to display our beautiful #foodiefriday badge (check your displaying the correct badge please) and don’t forget to spread the #foodiefriday love by using the hashtag when commenting.


This Katie has chosen The mum Zilla’s Greek style salad with BBQ baked feta cheese – and who can blame her is looks amazing!


I have chosen mum dad plus 4’s chips and gravy Las Vegas style – how could I resist! Viva Las Vegas baby!


You know the drill guys, we liked it so you’d better put a badge on it!

Sparkly Mummy

OK, so this is something very exciting for us, this week Katie was approached by Steve Pooley, chef director from none other than Jamie Oliver’s Barbecoa! – I know exciting isn’t it, we are clearly getting ourselves noticed in foodie circles! Steve wants to talk steak – yep he had me at steak too. I love steak. I don’t have it very often because I truly believe that you get what you pay for and good quality ethical steak isn’t cheap! I’m very lucky to have a traditional, family run, long established over many generations butcher local to me  and I buy all my cuts of meat from them. All their meat can be traced from a local Sussex field to my fork and for me this is important. I eat meat but I care and I want buy local, ethical and welfare assured meat and I truly believe it makes a difference to the end product – happy well looked after animals taste better, also when you buy from a butcher they will sell you the best cut for the dish your preparing and if they are anything like mine will give you some recipe ideas too! Anyway here is Steve Pooley’s of Jamie Oliver’s Barbecoa’s guide to cooking the perfect steak!


Anyway back to the job in hand! The #FoodieFriday linky – and here are the rules of this blogging linky!

FoodieFriday will run from 6am Friday till 6pm Monday.

All posts need to display our beautiful #FoodieFriday badge – which is just below.

Please comment on the 2 hosts posts and at least 1 other linked up post but please feel free to comment on as many as you like and don’t forget the #FoodieFriday.

If you enjoy a post hit that share button and don’t forget to tag @mummyinatutu and @sparkly_mummy for a retweet

By entering the linky you are agreeing to us emailing you a reminder about the link up each week (you can asked to be removed at any time.)

Enjoy and remember, myself and Katie except no responsibility for any ruined diets!

Sparkly Mummy

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Hi and welcome!

I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying creating this new blog, read more here.

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