Try it Tuesday – Spicy sausage pasta


Sausages are very popular in our house, but I normally just do them with yorkshires, onion gravy, stuffing and wedges.

Since trying pregnant jools’s pasta a couple of weeks ago, and it being such a hit, I’ve been thinking about making other dishes using sausages. This my first sausage dish.

I used

8 Cumberland sausages – chopped (I cut each sausage in to 4)

1 red onion – chopped

2 cloves of garlic – crushed

a box of closed cup mushrooms – cleaned and sliced

balsamic vinegar – 1 tablespoon

oil for frying – I used coconut

oregano – 1 teaspoon

basil – 1 teaspoon

crushed chillie flakes – add to your taste

chopped tinned tomatoes with mixed herbs


garlic bread – to serve

I started by putting the water on for the pasta, heating the oil and frying the onion and garlic until the onion softened, I then added the mushrooms and fried them for about 2/3minutes, till they started to colour and then added about a table spoon of balsamic vinegar and stirred it in, I then added the sausages and cooked them though I then added a teaspoon each of oregano and basil, with the chilli flakes add according to your taste, I added a teaspoon. I then chucked in the tin of toms and simmered until the pasta was ready, spoon in to the sauce and stir in and serve with a nice bit of garlic bread.

I hope you enjoy making and eating this as much as we did I’d love to hear your feedback xxx


12 Responses to Try it Tuesday – Spicy sausage pasta

  • Sounds great! I recently found an awesome pasta sauce by (on a whim!) experimenting with leftovers! We always have about one portion worth left over when we make fajitas, so I took the leftover fajita mix (onions, peppers, sauce, bit of chicken) and blended it smooth! I then added a tub of chopped tomatoes and mixed it with pasta (and sausages, snap!) and added some parmesan at the end. It was amazing! xx #foodiefriday

  • will definitely be trying this, The Boy’s answer to “what do you want for tea?” is always “spaghetti bolegnese” so always great to have new pasta dishes to try


  • Oh this is right up my street! I love a sausage pasta! Proper comfort food 🙂

  • Sounds lovely – I never buy jars of pasta sauce any more, home made is just so much tastier! #foodiefriday

  • Sausages are one of the few things my kids will reliably eat. Never thought of putting English sausages in pasta. It sounds really good. #foodiefriday

  • This sounds lovely, I love balsamic vinegar so even if you can’t really taste it in the end the recipe wins me over if it includes balsamic! #foodiefriday

  • Oh I love sausages in pasta. Such a cheap meat too so it’s perfect for keeping your food bill down!

    Going to give this a go!!


  • Sounds good. I can do this with veggie sausages so a hit for me even though I’m veggie! #foodiefriday

  • If someone held a gun to my head and said “choose one savoury item to eat for the rest of your life!!!” I would choose sausages! Wrap them in pastry, stick them in a yorkshire, I don’t care I loves me a sausage (I know how it sounds but I don’t care!)

    Will be giving this one a try next week with some gluten free pasta 😊 thanks for sharing


  • Love the sound of this. We are big fans of pasta, Clem loves it so I’m always looking for new recipes to try. Shes not a huge spice fan but I could always leave the chillies out. x #foodiefriday

  • This sounds great and although I don’t eat meat sausages I think I will try it with either vegetarian or chicken ones. #foodiefriday

  • That’s lovely! We are huge fans of pasta at home so we may give it a try. Thank you for sharing this recipe. 🙂 xx #foodiefriday

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