Bit of a twitcher !!!
Since moving to Sussex I’ve been amazed by the number and verity of visitors to our garden.
From foxes, hedgehogs, bats and so many birds, some I’ve never seen before and some that seem really bold, they come right up the back steps ! The colours are beautiful and really cheer up dull, gray days. We had 16 magpies in one of the trees the other day, it really was something to be seen, although by the time the last one landed I was in serious danger of giving myself a concussion from all the saluting !
I’m pretty sure we have a pair of blackbirds nesting somewhere in the garden (possibly in the holly bush) we also get lots of finches, tits, sparrows, wrens, jays, doves and of course pigeons ! My favourite little visitor has to be the goldfinch because they kind of look like birdy superheroes with their red and black masks across their faces, there is something very relaxing about just sitting and watching the birds, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes.
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