Inspired Colouring Christmas


Now I’m going to be honest with you, I have never had an adult colouring book before, I have often looked at them but was never sure if they were my thing.

But oh how wrong was I! I am an adult colouring book convert! Anyone that says colouring is for kids has obviously never seen an inspired colouring book, these books are works of art! I never realised how intricate, beautiful and cathartic a colouring book could be. I couldn’t wait to raid the kids pencil cases and get stuck in. I started with the easier designs but quickly moved on to the more complicated ones and before I knew it I’d lost a good couple of hours!


Some of the designs are traditional, some have a more modern feel to them, some are images and others are repeating patterns but all of them are exquisite and the perfect antidote to the headliness of Christmas and a perfect way to relax.


The book its self has a reflective cover and is printed on good quality paper that is thick enough that you dont get any shadowing from the other side of the page or any risk of tearing.

The pictures in this book are gorgeous and oh so festive and with over 100 designs there is plenty to keep you busy well in to the new year. There is a whole array of Inspire colouring books and if this one is anything to go by you won’t be disappointed if you buy this one or any of the other titles.


I’m definetly a convert and before i finish this one I’m going to be sure to treat myself to a few others and a nice pack of pencils too so i don’t have to keep borrowing the kids ones!



For the purpose of this review i was given a copy of Inspired colouring Christmas, I recieved the book from Parragon Books LTD.

All thoughts and opinions are my own.

RRP On this book is £9.99 and is avalible to order online from Amazon

2 Responses to Inspired Colouring Christmas

  • I love adult colouring books. There is something very relaxing about colouring. This one looks fab! xx

  • Great post! Adult colouring books are excellent fun and you’re right; very cathartic and stress-relieving! I own a couple of them. There are shops in Leeds that sell “adult” adult colouring books (if you get my drift) which are pretty amusing to look at but im not sure if i’d buy one!

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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

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