Disney’s Beauty and the Beast ~book of the film~

Disney’s latest live action film is the classic Beauty and the Beast and one of the must see movies of the year. So when I was asked to review not 1 but 2 Beauty and the Beast books I couldn’t wait! When the books arrived someone immediately had their eye on the book of the film, so while I reviewed As old as time – a twisted tale, here is Grace with her very first review of Beauty and the Beast, book of the film.

I love the original animated Beauty and the beast film. So at first I wasn’t sure if I was going to like the live action film or if it would be as good and live up to the hype, So when I got the opportunity to read the book first I couldn’t wait, it’s a lot better than the original film in my opinion! The main reason I wasn’t sure about it was I didn’t know how they were going to explain/create a picture in my head of how  (1) who and how they are all cursed (2) when the curse is broken how are they going to say how they changed. Surprisingly, the book actually has more information about the curse and who/ how it happened. It also says how there isn’t a prince but no one knows. How can everyone forget about the royal family? Although the story line is the same (belles dad gets caught, she take so his place, they fall in love, her fathers in trouble, she saves them, belle puts the Beast in danger, villegers create a mob and go to the Beast, belle says I love you, the curse is gone), there are other significant parts of the story that is included that make this version WAY better. No spoilers but there’s one part of the story that stood out the most to me and that it is about her mother. You have to read carefully but if you do, you will notice a questionable quote from Maurice, belles father.

Reading this has made me want to see the film even more, can’t wait till the Easter holidays now!

All in all this book is great for all ages you would probably need to have the reading age of at least 9 years old. But it would make a good bedtime story for younger children who like to be read to.


For the purpose of this review i was given a copy of Beauty and the Beast, book of the film. I recieved the book from Parragon Books LTD.

All thoughts and opinions are my own.

RRP £6.99 and it is available to order online from Amazon.

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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

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