Club hub uk – coming soon to a phone near you!

An app that tells you all about local clubs and activities for kids, where have you been all my life!


As as soon as I heard about this app I thought this is genius! Why isn’t this already a thing? A one stop shop for all your children’s out of school clubs and activity needs, never again will I have to hear the words every parent dreads “I’m boooooooooored”, during the school holidays with this handy app. New to an area, on holiday in the uk, your 7 year old wants to learn street dance or 10 year old wants to learn tae kwon do just pop your location, Childs age and interest in to the app and bobs your uncle all your local clubs are there, right in the palm of your hand.

Club hub was the brain child of Tessa, a teacher of musical theatre, who was struggling to advertise her classes – Tessa’s jazz hands, and from that club hub was born. Set for release in September ’16, the exact date is due to be announced tonight after 8pm during #tribalchat on Twitter. For more info pop over to Club-hub and follow them on Twitter and Instagram @clubhubuk

I for one can’t wait !!!



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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

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