Try it Tuesday – chorizo yum yum


With the end of term fast approaching, there are lots of school things going on, and I’ve been struggling to remember where everyone is on any given day so dinners have been a bit slap dash to say the least. This week we have had parents evening for Grace on Tuesday.

So this weeks recipe is a quick and easy one that I threw together from a few bits I had in the fridge/cupboard because I forgot to pop to the shops – whoops!

For this you will need

A chorizo sausage (I sliced it in to discs then cut them in to quarters)

A packet of pancetta

1 onion – diced

A tin of chopped tomatoes with mixed herb

A bag of pasta

Garlic bread


I started by putting the pasta into boiling water, heating a small amount of oil in a pan and frying the onions till they were soft, then to the pan I added the chorizo and pancetta and continued to fry.


Once the chorizo was cooked and the pancetta had started to crisp up I added the tinned tomatoes, bought it to the boil, reduced and simmered until the pasta was done, once cooked I drained the pasta then placed it back into the saucepan and added in the sauce and stirred it though, and served with garlic bread. It was are hit and a fab quick emergency meal!


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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

When I get a spare moment I like to read and if I can stay awake long enough I enjoy watching films.

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