Try it Tuesday – pregnant Jools’s pasta


This week I decided to have a look though my cook books and I found this in my 30min meal book, by Jamie Oliver.

For pregnant jools’s pasta you will need

a carrot

a stick of celery

4 spring onions

fennel seeds (1 heaped tsp)

oregano (1 tsp)

4 garlic cloves

1/2 fresh red chillies (I used 1, seeds removed)

balsamic vinegar (4 tbsp)

a tin of chopped tomatoes (400g)

a bag of dried pasta (500g)

a pack of sausages (400gs approx)

And a food processor.


I started by roughly chopping the carrot, spring onion and celery and removing the seeds from the chilli then giving them a blitz in the food processor. Next I added the sausages and the herbs and blitz again.

I put a saucepan of water on for the pasta and also heated a bit of oil in a large frying pan, once the oil was bubbling I started spooning in the sausage mixture. I mixed it and broke up any lumps as it cooked.

I crushed the garlic and added this to the pan along with the balsamic vinegar and the tin of tomatoes and give it a good stir, I added add a little of the starchy water to loosen, once the pasta was cooked I spooned it from the pan into the sausage mixture, stirred and served with garlic bread on the side.

This was delicious I wish now I had looked though this book before, it probably did take about 30mins give or take but I’m not that organised! I also got to dig out and use my food processor which is always a bonus and I will definitely be making this again – cheers Jamie !!!


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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

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