Try it Tuesday – bacon spaghetti


This week I thought I would have a go at making a sauceless pasta dish so here goes. 

For this dish you will need

500g spaghetti

200g Smoked pancetta

a punnet of closed cup mushrooms

2tbsp’s fresh frozen chopped chilli (you could use fresh or dried – you could add more or less depending on your own personal taste)

2tbsp’s fresh frozen chopped basil (you could use fresh or dried)

A good glug of which ever oil you prefer cooking with – I used olive oil

I started by putting slightly salted water on for the spaghetti. While waiting for water to boil I cleaned and chopped the mushrooms,I once the water was boiling and the spaghetti was in and cooking. I put a big glug of oil in to my big pan and when the oil was hot I started frying the pancetta.


Once cooked I added the mushrooms, chilli and basil and stirred till the chilli and basil had completely thawed out, the mushroom was cooked, and the pancetta and mushrooms where both covered by the herbs.


By now the spaghetti was cooked so drained and gradually added this to the pan while continuously stirring so that it was covered by the herbs and the bacon and mushroom was evenly distributed though the spaghetti.


Once all the the spaghetti was in the pan and everything was combined it was ready.


We really enjoyed this and it didn’t take long to make either, it was nice to have a sauceless pasta dish for a change, I think next time I would probably have some garlic bread on the side.




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I'm Becky, a chocolate and coffee fueled stay at home mum living in West Sussex. I have three amazing daughters, a wonderful partner and a crazy jack russell cross.

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